another weekend

Ever feel like weekends are WAAAAY to short... Last weekend my darling Husband had to work pretty much all weekend, which burnt him out. This week has been hell.. I guess it has been awhile.. India, my youngest, at the beginning of hockey (ice) fell on the ice literally 5 min. into practice, she fractured her wrist, that was 3 weeks ago. On monday of this last week my Oldest (Sage, 16) came home from her field hockey game saying she thinks she broke her thumb.. So she went to see our Dr. Harvey at Bowdoin Med. Group (kick ass doc), he agreed and set up an appt for xrays the next day (by this time it was 7ish at night).. The next day I took her for xrays, they came back negative. That didn't satisfy our doc so he set up an appt for a specialist. So now it's wednesday and were on our way to see the orthopedic specialist. It's not broken she has a UCL sprain (?) the muscle between her pointing finger and thumb. basically her pinching mucsle. So she's in a gauntlet cast to hold her thumb imobile and it sounds like she'll have physical therapy after. If she doesn't do PT she could lose her grip strength and the mucsle not heal correctly.. Oh isn't life wonderful..

On Thursday we toured Bowdoin College in Brunswich Maine... BEAUTIFUL campus, should be for the price. My daughter whose just turning 17 and should be a JR. decided to graduate a year early, Miss smarty pants ;).. I go from being so proud and happy for her to being so bumbed because my oldest is leaving a year before she's suppose to.. how much does that suck... We still have at least 2 more school tours Bates in Lewiston, ME and boston university.. She wants to be a doctor.

Friday was Sage last field hockey game of her high school career, doc gave her clearance to play.. they tied 2 -2, but i believe bonny eagle made the playoffs.

It was a LONG week. It's been a LONG few weeks.. between sports, sports injuries, college and school stuff, I'm ready for vacation. This doesn't even tackle the fact that I have craft shows coming and am SSSOOO NOT ready!!!! So my question is partially to any other mothers out there reading my blog, is there such thing as a vacation for a mom????

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