Me, I've been playing ostrich a little and ignoring it as much as the new channels allows me to.. It's hard to ignore when your husband enjoys watching news, but thats ok. So what have I been doing???? Learning, creating, and trying to ease my anxiety and depression...
And I've made some and have become OBSESSED with these molds. I purchased a bunch of frit, that being said I'm gonna need more..
So these are a few pics of the out of the kiln pieces, I need to add the hardware and than they'll be added to my Etsy Shop.
I've also taken a bunch of Curious Mondo classes online.. Curious Mondo ( is so cool, its free to watch the live broadcast but if you want to watch it anytime and get the bonus material you pay for the class... I think I've bought 5 or 6 classes during quarintine.
So here's a few pictures of what I've made from what I've learned from the Curious Mondo class.
Some of these are already in my shop;
Some of these are already in my shop;
So here's what I've been up to, I'll tell more stories later..